As the energy transition progresses, more traditional skills will be needed by all energy firms.  Our firm has worked on a wide variety of them.

Risk and Structuring

Chief Risk Officer--- By hiring a CRO with strong   analytical credentials a utility increased senior overview of risk issues while also improving company-wide use of modern analytical tools.

Director, Risk Management--- A top five unregulated energy firm was able to upgrade its risk policy and risk controls in an organization that had grown explosively in past five years by bringing in someone to work with the Chief Risk Officer, and be his delegate in working closely with the operating groups.

Director, Structuring--- Retail Marketer was able to jump start its ability to provide innovative structuring techniques to end users by hiring an individual with good analytical skills and prior in-depth markets experience.

Structuring Analyst--- Wholesale trading and marketing group added to the bench strength of its structuring group. The candidate found had an undergraduate degree in engineering and an MBA from University of Chicago.


Director, Federal Affairs--- When the Washington office of a major utility had a retirement and change of organization, we were able to find a strong candidate already in Washington, and who could step into a new role quickly.

Analytics and Planning

Senior Data Analyst--- New group that is part of a renewable developer needed individual with a) extensive background in wholesale power markets, b) strong knowledge of energy risk management c) ability to do in-depth mathematical analysis of renewable power markets. Position filled within 2 months.

Director, Analytics--- Newly reorganized quantitative group filled a position that had been open 9 months with individual able to work well with broad range of internal clients.

Director, Resource Planning--- Utility with successful operations in East sought to upgrade the head of group responsible for forecasting power prices for near and mid term. This was critical since this part of the financial organization set the price targets for margins for the trading organization.  

Fundamental Analyst-Power--- Wholesale trading group was able to upgrade its capacity to analyze regional power markets by hiring a sophisticated junior analyst who could move up quickly in responsibility.

Solar Development and Operations

Mid-level solar developer--- Utility-scale developer with strong new project flow was excited to be presented with a developer who knew the target region in New York State, and had a number of valuable experiences in finding sites and talking with local communities to secure their cooperation for local installations

Trading and Marketing

Senior Vice President, Marketing & Trading---  Utility successful in traditional markets was able to upgrade its sales and trading group to capture value from its regional market strength and from its economic generation.

Director, Energy Marketing--- By bringing a very experienced manager an energy trading group successfully rebuilt its marketing organization to increase volume and profitability of deal flow.

Director, Commercial Operations--- Unregulated power trading entity filled key slot with individual whose background was sufficiently broad enough to handle front-, middle- and back-office issues as firm transitioned to independent subsidiary.

Information Technology, Middle & Back Office

Director, IT, Energy Trading & Marketing--- When incumbent retired, firm was able to upgrade to a more sophisticated manager, thereby upgrading the level of trading knowledge in the IT organization while also adding someone was qualified to be a candidate in the firm’s CIO succession plan.

Director, Middle Office--- The addition of a very experienced manager enabled a power trading organization to create smooth process from trade capture through settlements. Firm was now able to give traders a clear picture of the trading book’s profits even though settlements data from Independent System Operators was untimely or misleading.

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